Anita’s Surfing Journey – Trying Harder, Or At Least Not Giving Up.

We talk to Anita about her journey from corporate burnout to dedicated surfer, overcoming frustrations and excuses - and discovering resilience and personal growth along the way.

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How To Travel Without Single Use Plastic

Soul & Surf’s quick and easy guide to travelling without single-use plastic. We're keeping it simple with a short list of how to pack – and travel – with as little of the bad stuff as you can.

Sustainably Solo: The Green Angle to Taking a Solo Trip

Going solo isn't just about popping off on an adventure – it's a chance to expand your understanding of different cultures, landscapes and even to make better choices for the planet. When you travel solo, you're in control of every decision ...

Soul People – Dan Burgess

We love chatting with our guests, especially when we realise that they do, well, really cool stuff. Meet Dan Burgess: storyteller, podcaster and un-learning guide determined to shift our narrative about nature and the world we are part of.

Embracing Independence: The Beauty and Benefits of Solo Travel

All aboard the solo travel train: turn left without a committee meeting, eat, surf, move at your own pace, and stumble upon unexpected adventures – all on your terms.

Top 10 Ethical Surfboard Brands

We like surfboards. You like surfboards. But the production process can be pretty toxic, both for the shaper and the environment. So we’ve put together a list of our favourite ethical surfboard brands.

Soul People – Nick Hounsfield

Founder of The Wave, Nick's passion for surfing inspired him to create a unique experience in a landlocked city, challenging traditional notions of wave-riding. Through his vision and dedication, he has bought together the local surf community and provided the ...

Soul of Surfing, the Four Pillars – Wave Riding

In the final instalment of our Four Pillars series, we explain our four levels of surfer - and why everyone can do with some coaching.

Soul of Surfing, the Four Pillars – Soul Surfing

In the third installment of our Four Pillars series we share the stuff that inspires us – and ask, what is Soul Surfing? ...and in doing so kinda explain why we are called Soul & Surf.

Soul of Surfing, the Four Pillars – Ocean Literacy

In this first of a four-part series, we explain what the heck Ocean Literacy is, why it matters – and how we apply it to both our company ethos and our lives as surfers.

World Ocean Day ’22 | Our Impact Report

This year’s UN World Ocean Day will focus on collective climate action for the ocean, so we wanted to show you where we are at with our Sustainable-ish Plan – our 2021 Impact Report – plus share some of the resources we've ...

World Ocean – Ocean Wave | Saving Surf Ecosystems

For the last part of this series we wanted to focus on the ocean spaces that surfers are connected to the most: the unique coastal ecosystems where surfable waves break.

World Ocean – Ocean Wave | Biodiversity

In the third instalment of our World Ocean series, we delve into the wonderful world of biodiversity – the way that nature uses variety to maintain balance and help life on Earth thrive.

Mossy Earth x Soul & Surf

Restoring wild ecosystems, supporting wildlife and biodiversity and helping fight climate change. Why we have partnered with Mossy Earth.

World Ocean – Ocean Wave | Ocean Acidification

In part two of our World Ocean series, we look at ocean acidification – what it is, where it came from and why it’s so terrible for our planet.

The Soul of Surfing Revolution

At Soul & Surf we believe it’s high time for a surfing revolution. A Soul of Surfing revolution that we’ll be rolling out throughout 2021.

World Ocean – Ocean Wave | Marine Plastic Pollution

This month of June, we’re getting into the spirit of World Ocean Day and raising awareness of some key issues affecting our global ocean, and potential solutions too.

An Earth Day Interview with Mossy Earth

In order to reach our own Sustainable-ish targets, one of the things we’ve done is partnered with Mossy Earth - read on for the interview.

We Declare a Climate Emergency

As a company, never mind a travel company, aiming to become actually ‘sustainable’ is impossibly difficult. At times that has made us feel like we are failing which then led to dithering and inaction.

Sustainability & Surfing – Natalie Fox

Nat is Soul & Surf's Sustainability Consultant, a roving surf and yoga instructor, and an eXXpedition ambassador.

World Oceans Day – Taking Action

The 2020 World Oceans Day on 8th June is uniting conservation action to grow the global movement calling on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030.

Natalie Fox: A plastic voyage

Soul People: Those of you who've been to stay with us at Soul & Surf Portugal already will have met Nat, our fantastic yoga teacher.

Soul & Surf Sri Lanka Beach Cleans

We are starting to see the significant impacts our trash problem has on the environment and human health.  We are realizing that this is a worldwide problem, which isn’t constraint to political boundaries and will take the efforts of ...

Pipeline Magazine

Surfers Against Sewage are leading the way in protecting our seas. We've been huge fans ever since their iconic environmental work in the 90s with guerrilla style campaigns like the one below.

Waves for Water in Varkala

Soul&Surf India is situated on beautiful cliffs overlooking the Arabian Sea in the small coastal town of Varkala.  This area is known to be one of the cleanest and most beautiful regions in India.