
Leave nothing behind | Photography by Katie Rae (Kerala)

So, you're ready to take on the world, all by yourself? Good for you. But here's the kicker – you can make it not just about you but about the planet too.

Why Going it Alone can be Greener

When you’re flying solo, you call the shots. No waiting around for others to agree on stuff, no compromising on your values. You’re free as a bee to make eco-friendly choices, plan your itinerary to minimise carbon emissions, and choose activities that align with your values without having to compromise with pesky travel companions.

Think direct flights, public transport, biking & walking, and choosing accommodation that cares about the planet. It’s the power of one making a big difference.

Plus, gone are the days when sustainability and comfort were mutually exclusive. Today, eco-conscious travellers have decent options when it comes to accommodation, transport and activities that prioritise environmental responsibility. We look at how you can make your solo escapades not only good for your soul but also for the planet. 

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You can make your solo escapades not only good for your soul but also for the planet


Shop local when you can | Photography by Jamie Mitchell (Sri Lanka)

Mindful Stays: Embracing Sustainable Accommodation 

Look for places that implement energy-saving measures, practice waste reduction, and support local communities. Bonus points if they utilise renewable energy sources or have initiatives for conserving water. Opting for eco-lodges, hotels with green certifications, or even eco-friendly boutique hotels can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. 

By choosing based on these values, you not only reduce your impact but also support businesses that are committed to environmental stewardship.

What to look for and where to rest your head

  1. Sustainability initiatives. Research the accommodation’s website or contact them directly to inquire about their sustainability initiatives. Look for information on energy conservation, waste management, water usage, and community engagement. Places that implement eco-friendly practices such as recycling, composting, and using renewable energy sources demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.
  2. Community and engagement. Choose somewhere that actively engages with the local community and supports initiatives for social responsibility and cultural preservation. Look for spots that source locally-produced food, support local artisans, and contribute to community development projects. 
  3. Educational programs. Seek out stays that offer educational programs or workshops on sustainability, environmental conservation, and mindful living. Participating in these activities allows you to deepen your understanding of sustainability principles and integrate them into your daily life beyond the stay.
  4. Customer reviews. Read reviews and testimonials from past guests to gauge their experiences and satisfaction with the retreat's sustainability efforts. Look for feedback on environmental practices, eco-conscious initiatives, and overall commitment to sustainability.

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Choose activities that connect you to nature. That are also fun. | Photography by Toby Butler (Portugal)

Exploring Responsibly: Your Solo Sightseeing and Activity Guide

Solo travel isn't just about ticking places off your bucket list – it's about doing it right. When you're out and about, opt for eco-friendly modes of transport. Whether it's walking, biking, or hopping on a bus, every little bit counts. And when you're shopping for souvenirs, skip the mass-produced plastic stuff and go for local, handmade bits instead. 

No solo trip is complete without a bit of exploration. Whether you're wandering through bustling cities, joining a retreat or trekking remote trails, there are plenty of ways to make your sightseeing endeavours more sustainable.

How to be Sustainable-ish on your solo adventure

  1. Pack smart, not hard. Minimise your carbon footprint by packing light and opting for eco-friendly travel gear like reusable water bottles, bamboo utensils, and solar-powered chargers.  Take less than you think you need. We wrote a plastic-free packing list to help with this.  
  2. Support local. When eating out or shopping for souvenirs, choose locally-owned businesses that support the local economy and reduce the environmental impact of long-distance transportation. Attend events that support and celebrate local communities.
  3. Offset your carbon emissions. Consider offsetting your carbon footprint by participating in carbon offset programs or supporting projects who contribute to the restoration of ecosystems. Be wary, a lot of companies tag this on as a half-hearted attempt at greenwashing, so do a bit of digging around. 
  4. Choose activities that connect you with nature. We're fairly biased, but surfing, for example. Blue Health refers to the beneficial effects of being near or in water on our wellbeing, how it can have a calming effect on our minds, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a feeling of relaxation. It also connects us to nature and gives us an understanding of how important it is to be the custodians of our environment. Read more about Blue Health over here >>
  5. Respect the natural environment. Stick to designated trails, avoid single-use plastics, and leave nothing behind. It's not just about what you see, it's about how you leave it for others to enjoy too.

We love Mossy Earth’s work with offsetting, rewilding and restoration - have a look over here to see what they’re up to. >>


Choose events that lift up the local community | Photography by @ria.the.wildchild (Cove Surf Jam, Sri Lanka)

You can make your solo escapades not only good for your soul but also for the planet


Solo and Sustainable - Travel Better

Solo travel isn't just about adventure and self-discovery – it can also be a pro-active choice to think about and make a positive impact on the planet. By going solo, you have the power to make conscious choices that align with your values and minimise your environmental footprint. 

We can’t get away from it - most travel is not good for the planet. In fact, we – counter-intuitively for a travel company – advise that you travel less.

But make it count when you do. 

So, whether you're heading for a tropical surf & yoga retreat, camping out in the mountains, or eating your bodyweight in gelato on a citybreak, remember that going solo can be the greenest way to travel.

Check out our Sustainable-ish pages for info on our attempts to be more sustainable - plus some handy resources, and other companies we support who are doing great work >>